
陈献忠:Metasurfaces for ultrathin planar optical devices



Metasurfaces for ultrathin planar optical devices



School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University




2014-11-03 16:00




Miniaturization and integration are two continuing trends in the production of photonic devices. The functionality of a traditional photonic device is usually realized by reshaping the wavefront of the light that relies on gradual phase changes along the optical paths, which are accomplished by either controlling the surface topography or varying the spatial profile of the refractive index. The thickness of photonic devices usually remains comparable to the wavelength of the light. However, further reduction in the thickness of the corresponding element is hindered by the design theory since it is based on phase accumulation along the optical path. Metamaterials can usually be engineered to exhibit electromagnetic properties that may not be found in nature or its constituent components, thus providing an unconventional alternative to optical design. Metasurfaces, the emerging field of metamaterials, which consist of a single layer of artificial "atoms", have recently captured the attention of the scientific community since they do not require complicated three-dimensional nano-fabrication techniques but can control light propagation in equally dramatic ways. Unlike the phase change by the accumulated optical path in traditional optical elements, the abrupt phase change takes place at the metasurfaces, meaning that a new freedom for controlling light propagation is introduced. In this talk, I am going to talk about the recent development in the field of metasurfaces, and highlight our previous and current contribution to this research area.


英国赫瑞瓦特(Heriot-Watt)大学工程与物理科学学院的助理教授,研究领域为超材料(Metamaterials)和纳米光学,主要研究集中于光学超材料、变换光学、表面等离激元共振等基基础研究及其在成像、隐形和生物传感等领域的应用。发表章文40余篇,其中包括Nature Communications、Nature - Light: Science & Application、Nano Letters 等。 曾huo中科院光电技术研究所青年科技创新人才奖,近期在可见光隐形方面取得的原创性研究成果被英国物理协会的《Physics World》选为“2010年物理十大突破之一”,并被美国杂志《Discover Magazine》评为“2011年度100大科技新闻之一”。现为Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics编委,美国纳米学会会员。同时担任Laser & Photonics Reviews, Scientific Reports, Optics Express, Applied Physics, Nanotechnology, Sensors and Actuators B等13种国际期刊的审稿人。研究团队网址为http://nanophotonicslab.eps.hw.ac.uk/
