
Prof. You Qiang:Gravitational Waves: A New Window to The Universe A brief introduction to the LIGO gravitational wave signal GW150914



Gravitational Waves: A New Window to The Universe A brief introduction to the LIGO gravitational wave signal GW150914


Prof. You Qiang

Physic Department, University of Idaho, USA


田玉峰 副研究员


2016-05-06 16:20




Three months ago, the US LIGO systems announced that they had detected gravitational waves from a pair of 30-solar-mass black holes merging into a single black hole. This great discovery marks the start of an entirely new field of astronomy with a new window to the universe, so that human can use gravitational waves instead of light or EM-waves to study distant objects in space. This talk will summarize the relevant measurements, their current interpretations and their potential implications from the perspective of someone outside of the collaboration.


Dr. Qiang is a tenured full professor of Physics and full professor in the Environmental Science Program at the University of Idaho, US. He is the fellow and the chairman (2012-2014) of Idaho Academy of Science. He received his MS degree 1985 at the Harbin Institute of Technology and Chinese Academy of Space Technology, and Ph.D. degree in 1997 at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Dr. Qiang’s research focuses on magnetism and magnetic nanomaterials. He has studied magnetic nanoparticles and nanocomposites for more than 30 years. His expertise includes: synthesis of monodispersive nanoclusters and nanocluster-assembled composites; characterization of magnetic and optical properties as well as transport properties by conductivity, optics, susceptibility and theoretical investigation. He applies magnetic nanomaterials in energy, environmental and biomedical science and nanotechnology. He has published more than 110-refereed papers and 4 book chapters, more than 130 invited talks at US and international conferences, universities and institutions. He is an editor for several magnetic and nano-journals like IEEE Mag. Letters, Nanomaterials… and served on national and international conference organizationsand committees, including MRS, CleanTech, NanoTech and IMC. He has organized and chaired many conferences and sessions such as INTERMAG, MMM, TMS, APS and NW-APS meetings. Beside his research activities, he has a hobby to read some interesting astronomical stories.
