
Relating ballistic heat transport to Lévy walks in many-particle integrable Hamiltonian systems


报告题目:Relating ballistic heat transport to Lévy walks in many-particle integrable Hamiltonian systems



报告时间:20160620 10:00




Recently, the connections between heat transport and Lévy walks have only been explored within the normal and superdiffusive regions, here we show evidences that the Lévy walks theory may also be appropriate for describing ballistic heat transport. By investigating two archetype many-particle integrable Hamiltonian systems heat spreading processes, i.e., linear Harmonic and nonlinear Toda chains, we find that, the density of the former system is U shape, in good coincidence with the Lamperti distribution with characteristic exponent close to 0.5, thus in very good agreement with the exact solutions for ballistic Lévy walks; while in the latter system, the density shapes are richer and appearing to depending on nonlinearity/temperature. 

These unusual densities for Toda systems, as far as we know, have not yet been covered by the existing progress of Lévy walks. 

We have suggested a picture from the perspective of nonlinear dispersions, different heat carriers and their velocity distribution to understand the unexpected shapes, though to provide an exact theoretical prediction still needs efforts. 

The reported results may provide insights to further relate heat transport to Lévy walks in many-body Hamiltonian systems. 


熊大兴 博士,2010年毕业于厦门大学物理系,获理论物理学博士学位;

现为福州大学物理与信息工程学院物理系副教授。研究方向涉及统计物理学与复杂系统领域,主要感兴趣于低维系统能量输运、反常热传导及其微观动力学机制,神经网络的非线性动力学等问题;致力于从微观动力学角度探索系统宏观输运性质。自2010年以来在Phys. Rev. E; EPL; J. Stat. Mech.; J. Phys. A等杂志上以第一作者发表过9篇论文。