
Nonlinear waveguide optics: from the past to the future


报告题目Nonlinear waveguide optics: from the past to the future

报告Dr. Wei Ding (丁伟), Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

报告时间16:00-17:30  624日(星期五)


邀请人:胡卉 教授



Striding through the information era and the nano era , research of nonlinear optics is quickly stepping into a new era with quantum characteristics. In this talk, I will share my personal viewpoint to this forthcoming journey by reviewing and analyzing our past and present explorations in both silicon and lithium niobate platforms.




Dr. Wei Ding is currently an Associate Professor in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In April 2007, he received his PhD degree in optics under the supervision of Prof. Stefan Maier, Dr. Steven Andrews, Prof. Philip Russell from University of Bath in UK. Then, he stayed as a postdoctoral researcher in University of Bath (UK) and University of Technology of Troyes (France). At the end of 2011 Dr. Ding moved to Beijing with the current position. His research interests include experiment and theory of nonlinear optical phenomena, micro-structured optical fiber, nano-photonic waveguide, and plasmonic nano-antennae. He has authored or co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed articles, including papers in PRA, APL, OL, OE, JLT, JAP.