
Multiferroics, material and application


告题目:Multiferroics, material and application

报告人:程振 教授 (澳大利亚卧龙岗大学超导与电子材料研究所)

邀请人:盖志刚 副教授

报告时间:2017113日星期五 下午3:00



Multiferroic material is a class of materials containing more than one ferroic order. Ferroelectric magnetic multiferroic materials contain simultaneous polarization and magnetization. The separated ferroic orders and the coupling between them make the multiferroic material the great potential for application in memory devices and sensors. BiFeO3, as a multiferroic material with simultaneous ferroelectricity and magnetism above room, has attracted great attention in the past years. However, due to the availability of single phase multiferroic materials working at room temperature is very limited, we have designed two approaches to make single phase multiferroic material. Both ferroelectric domain and magnetic domain switching in mutliferroic materials are attracting great attention due to the strong multi-field coupling existing in multiferroics. My talk will not only cover all our works on the topic listed above, but also more we have done in the field of ferroic materials.


Z. X. Cheng received B.S. in Physics in 1995, a M.S. in solid state physics in 1998 and a PhD in material science in 2001, from the Department of Physics and the State Key Lab. of Crystal Materials, Shandong University. He accepted a research fellow position at the Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials (ISEM) of University of Wollongong in 2002. He is a JSPS (Japanese Society for Promotion of Science) fellow at National Institute for Material Science (NIMS) in Japan during 2003-2005. At the end of 2005, he returned to ISEM as a research Fellow. Due to his outstanding performance he was awarded the highly prestigious Future Fellowship from the Australia Research Council in 2009, and promoted to Professor in 2016.

    Cheng has published more than 230 SCI journal papers in the field of applied physics with more than 3100 citations. More than 80 papers appear on the prestigious journals, like Nature Communication, Physical Review Letters (PRL), Nano Letters, J. American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, NPG Asia Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Phys. Rev. B (PRB), Applied Physics Letters (APL), Chemistry Communication and Scientific Reports etc. He has more than 40 invited talks on international conferences, workshops and universities. He is the editor board member of Scientific Report and Formal appointed NIMS Research Advisor.

His research currently is mainly in the field of ferroic materials and physics, and their applications in various fields, like energy storage:

1. Electronic polar materials and their applications, including dielectric materials, ferroelectric materials/piezoelectric materials, the relationship linking their crystal structure, microstructure(dislocation and domain) and their dielectric relaxation and polarization, and their applications as RAM, sensor and actuators.

2. Magnetic materials and their applications, including diluted magnetic semiconductors, ferromagnetic materials/antiferromagnetic, super paramagnetic materials and exotic magnetic behaviours (glass, ice and liquid), their magnetization behaviour and magnetic structure. Applications like in magnetocaloric refrigeration and spintronics.

3. Multiferroic materials and the magnetoelectric coupling behaviour and mechanism, applications as sensor.

4.  Spin and electron dynamics in magnetic magnetic and multiferroic materials at specific magnetic ordering status, using Thz and ultrafast laser spectroscopy.

5. The first principle calculation of the magnetic and electronic materials, to link their electronic band structure to their physical property (conductivity and magnetic ordering).

6. Thermoelectric materials for energy conversion

7. Novel low dimension materials for spintronics and electrochemical applications.