
Advanced time-resolved spectroscopy and the applications for material characterization


报告人:Xiaoming Wen 博士

                Centre for Micro-Photonics, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

邀请人:郝晓涛 教授

报告时间:2017428日 下午 15:00


摘要: Time-resolved spectroscopy has now become one of the most important and extensively applied techniques for the characterization of advanced materials and devices. Time-resolved spectroscopy, from femtosecond resolved transient absorption, ultrafast fluorescence up-conversion, streak camera, sub-nanosecond resolved but highly sensitive TCSPC (time correlated single photon counting), to photolysis based transient absorption and ICCD based time-gated fluorescence spectra, the time-resolved optical techniques provide effective methods to probe the photogenerated carrier dynamics in materials and devices which is critical for many fields, such as photovoltaics, photocatalysis, emission and laser materials, photonics. In particular, associated with single molecule spectroscopy (for example based on confocal microscope), they provide superior capability to probe nanoscale optical dynamic properties and mapping. In this talk, the time-resolved optical techniques will be briefly summarized. Then some application examples will be presented for advanced material characterization, including noble metal nanoclusters, carbon nanodots/graphene quantum dots, and halide perovskites.

报告人简介:文小明,学士及硕士毕业于浙江大学光仪系。1989-2003在云南大学物理系任教,历任教授,副系主任。2007年在澳大利亚Swinburne University of Technology 获博士学位。后在澳大利亚墨尔本大学从事有机光伏材料的光物理研究,在台湾中央研究院从事纳米颗粒(半导体量子点,石墨烯量子点及金量子点)的光物理研究。2012-2016在新南威尔士大学光伏学院(Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics, University of New South Wales) 从事太阳能材料与器件研究。与光伏之父Martin Green教授合作进行钙钛矿太阳电池的研究,同时与多个研究组合作进行热载流子(hot carrier solar cells),CZTS 及量子点太阳电池等方向研究。担任高级研究员领导光物理方向研究。目前在澳大利亚Swinburne University of Technology从事新型太阳电池的研究。曾在悉尼大学(University of Sydney, Australia)和大阪电器通信大学(Osaka Electrocommunication University, Japan)从事合作研究。专业特长为超快/时间分辨光谱,单分子光谱,光伏/光催化材料的光学及显微表征,纳米材料中的电子/激子/声子动力学(碳纳米点/石墨稀量子点graphene QDs,金属量子点metallic nanoclusters,半导体量子点等)。在澳大利亚和台湾中央研究院分别组建过多种先进超快光谱学实验。出版超快光谱学专著一部(独立作者),在国际知名的高影响因子刊物发表SCI论文一百多篇,如:Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Advanced Energy Materials, NanoscaleAdvanced Optical MaterialsJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Journal of Materials Chemistry C等。担任Scientific ReportsNature子刊)等学术杂志编辑,同时担任三十多个国际著名学术期刊的审稿人(Nature CommunicationsAdvanced Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Energy Materials, Nanoscale etc.)。