
Opticks:GPU Optical Photon Simulation for Particle Physics with NVIDIA OptiX



报告人:Dr. Simon Blyth


报告时间2017918日(周一)下午 4:00




Meeting the physics goals of PMT based neutrino detectors such as JUNO requires development of a detailed understanding of the generation and propagation of optical photons that can only be achieved with many simulation studies. Current optical photon simulations techniques take 99% or more of the total processing time for crucial cosmic muon background events. This processing bottleneck greatly hinders simulation studies.


This seminar presents "Opticks" an innovative open source software package that aims to eliminate this processing bottleneck by integration of the NVIDIA OptiX GPU ray tracing engine with Geant4 toolkit based simulations. Massive parallelism brings drastic performance improvements with optical photon simulation speedup expected to exceed 1000 times Geant4 when using workstation GPUs.   



Simon Blyth received his D.Phil degree from Oxford University working on the DELPHI experiment at CERN on radiative muon decays. He continued at LEP on the L3 experiment as a Research Associate with Carnegie Mellon based at CERN, making the best L3 measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of b quarks as well as managing the L3 luminosity detector and analysis. In 2002 he joined the Belle group at the National Taiwan University measuring six color suppressed B meson decay branching fractions. Subsequently he transitioned to the Daya Bay experiment, with National United University in Taiwan working on database management and software infrastructure development vital to Daya Bay. Returning to National Taiwan University in 2013 as a postdoctoral associate he set himself the goal of solving the optical photon simulation problem faced by PMT based experiments using an innovative GPU based approach.