
Quantum trajectory methods for simulating nonclassical dynamics in molecular systems(1,2)


报告题目:Quantum trajectory methods for simulating nonclassical dynamics in molecular systems12


报告人: Prof. C. Martens




第一场报告时间:2018928日  下午230


第二场报告时间:2018930日  下午230

报告地点:知新楼C702 量子报告厅





Craig Martens

Professor, School of Physical Sciences

Co-Director, Chemical and Materials Physics (ChaMP) Program

University of California, Irvine
2105 Natural Sciences II
Mail Code: 2025
Irvine, CA 92697


PH.D., Cornell University, 1987

B.S. 1981, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

The goal of our research program is to understand quantum dynamics on ultrafast time scales and nanometer length scales in complex systems.  In particular, we seek new theoretical paradigms and computational methods to meet the challenges of far-from-equilibrium dynamics and quantum many-body processes underlying current experimental and technological problems ranging from ultrafast spectroscopy and quantum information technology to nanoengineering and desalination.