
Mechanical characterization of advanced composites, energy and biomaterials


报告人:Cheng Yan (闫澄)

        School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering

        Queensland University of TechnologyAustralia

报告时间:2018年12月17日下午 16:30


邀请人:周灿林 副教授


The act of describing how a physical process changes a system is the basis for understanding observed phenomena. For quantum-mechanical processes in particular, the effect of processes on quantum states profoundly advances our knowledge of the natural world. Here, we show that quantum-mechanical processes can be quantified using a generic classical-process model through which any classical strategies of mimicry can be ruled out. We demonstrate the success of this formalism using fundamental processes postulated in quantum mechanics, the dynamics of open quantum systems, quantum-information processing, and the energy transfer in a photosynthetic pigment-protein complex. Since our framework does not depend on any specifics of the states being processed, it could pave the way for the elaboration of a generic method for quantifying physical processes.


Cheng Yan got his PhD from the University of Sydney in 1998. He is a professor in the School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, and the domain leader of Metals and Inorganic Materials of the Institute for Future Environment, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He has been visiting/adjunct professor at Tohoku University, National University of Singapore, Chongqing University and Dalian University of Technology. His main research interest is mechanical characterization of nanocomposites, biomedical and energy materials. He has generated more than 200 international journal papers and received A$7 million research funds, including 15 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants. He was awarded several competitive fellowships from ARC (Australian Postdoctoral Fellow and Australian Research Fellow) and was the winner of inaugural Queensland international fellowship and nanotechnology category. He is the associate editor or board member of four international journals.