
Organic Photovoltaic Materials for Green Energy Sources


报告人:Han Young Woo 教授

               Department of Chemistry, Korea University

时间:201978日 下午330


邀请人:郝晓涛 教授



Over the past few decades, organic solar cells (OSCs) have made a significant progress, showing their great potential for low-cost, flexible, lightweight, portable and large-area energy-harvesting devices. Although PC61BM and/or PC71BM structures have been exploited successfully in OSC devices, efforts to modify the fullerene structures for further improving the device performance have been tried recently because fullerene derivatives have the inflexibility in molecular design, difficult purification, poor morphological stability, and limited light absorption in the visible region, etc. In recent years, nonfullerene acceptors have emerged as an alternative candidate of n-type materials to overcome the difficulties of fullerene derivatives in tuning optical and electronic properties. The strong and easily adjustable absorption characteristics of nonfullerene acceptors have been considered as a strong point compared to fullerene-type structures, showing a photovoltaic efficiency over ~14%. To further optimize the OSCs for next generation green energy sources, several important points need to be considered carefully. Here we discuss the fundamental correlations between molecular structure, blend morphology and device performance in fullerene- and nonfullerene based PSCs. I will also discuss the indoor light harvesting, single component OSCs and aqueous-based eco- and human-friendly fabrication of OSCs in detail.


Han Young Woo, 韩国高丽大学理学院化学系教授。于1990年至1996年期间在韩国西江大学先后获得化学系学士和硕士学位;1996年至1999年,在韩国高等科学技术研究院获得化学系博士学位。19998-20038月在韩国京畿道晓星公司化学技术研发中心担任首席研究员;20038-20062月,在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校三菱化学先进材料中心聚合物与有机固体中心进行博士后研究;20063-20158月,在韩国釜山国立大学纳米科学与技术学院纳米技术工程系任全职教授;20159月至今,在韩国高丽大学理学院化学系担任教授职位。Han Young Woo教授课题组近年来主要致力于共轭半导体聚合物的设计和合成以及有机光伏电池,有机场效应晶体管,有机热电和化学传感器等的器件应用;在过去的5年中,发表了约100SCI论文,其中包括化学和材料领域的顶级期刊:J. Am. Chem. Soc., Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.。根据Google学术搜索,2014年以来他的总引用数为~4400h指数为34。作为该研究领域的开拓者,他的团队为本领域的许多问题提供创造性的解决方案,例如,他首次报道了可水处理的光活性有机材料和有机电子器件如OPVOFET的水性制造。他的团队开发了数百种有机半导体材料并研究了它们基本的分子结构和性质的关系,为有机光电子材料和器件的进一步发展提供了重要指导。