
Microspectroscopic insights into organic functional materials


Microspectroscopic insights into organic functional materials

主讲人:Rainer Fink 教授

 间:202499日 星期一 1030


邀请人:杜晓艳 教授


Modern aspects in material science demand the tailoring of specific functions. The wide range of organic substances offers an ideal playground for applications in a wide range of technological applications. I will review some recent advances in the preparation of long-range ordered (crystalline) organic thin films with applications in organic electronics. We put specific emphasis on the understanding of structure-property relationships with respect to the electronic structure. We utilize various electron-spectroscopic tools – some of them with spatial resolutions on the few-10-nm scale - to gain insights into the electronic structure. We have put specific emphasis on in-operando measurements, to, e.g., organic-field-effect transistors under operation. Other examples include organic charge-transfer complexes and their potential use for hydrogen production.

Short Introduction

Rainer Fink (*1960) studied Physics at the University of Konstanz. He was research assistant at Uppsala University and the University of Würzburg. Since April 2002 he is full professor for Physical Chemistry at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Rainer Fink has a strong expertise in the development and use of ultimately resolving x-ray based microscopic techniques. The applications range from organic hybrid materials and polymer films to ultrathin or-ganic films from functionalized molecules.

Rainer Fink has a track record of more than 180 publications in peer-reviewed scientific jour-nals and has strong scientific relations with several Chinese institutions. Since 2021 he is the Chairman of the Board of the Konfizius-Institut Nuremberg-Erlangen (www.konfuzius-institut.de/cn).