

















(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:11575102 , 2016.01- 2019.12,资助额度:(直接经费+间接经费)83.2万

(2) 太阳集团棋牌娱乐交叉学科培育项目:2015JC007,2015/01—2017/12,资助额度:35万

(3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:11105085,2012.01—2014.12, 资助额度:30万,

(4) 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,BS2012CL024,2012.07-2014.12,资助额度6万



(2)国家自然科学基金面上项目、11275117, 2013.01-2016.12,




Selected Publications:

(1)“Laser-induced convenient fabrication of CdS nanocages with super-adsorption capability for methyl blue solution”

Le Liu, Lin-Lin Xu, Hua Zhang, and Ming Chen*, Chin. Phys. B, 26, 085206(1)- 085206 (6), 2017.

(2)“Ultraviolet light-induced photochemical reaction for controlled fabrication of Ag nanoislands on ZnO nanosheets: an advanced inexpensive substrate for ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering analysis”

LinLin Xu, Shuang Li, Feng Li, Hua Zhang, Dameng Wang, Ming Chen*, and Feng Chen, Opt Mater. Express, 7,3137-3146, 2017.

(3)“Laser-induced construction of multi-branched CuS nanodendrites with excellent surfaceenhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy in repeated applications”,

Shuang Li, Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, and Ming Chen,* Opt. Express, 25, 16204-16213, 2017.

(4)“Laser-induced fabrication of highly branched CuS nanocrystals with excellent near-infrared absorption properties”,

R. Y. Yang, Z. Y. Zhang, L. L. Xu, S. Li, Y. Jiao, H. Zhang, and M. Chen*, Chin. Phys. B, 26, 076102(1)-076102(6), 2017.

(5)“Laser-induced photochemical synthesis of branched Ag@Au bimetallic nanodendrites as a prominent substrate for surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy”,

Linlin Xu, Shuang Li, Hua Zhang, Dameng Wang, and Ming Chen*, Opt. Express, 25, 7408-7417, 2017.

(6)“Laser-induced convenient synthesis of highly porous Cu2O@CuO nanocomposites with excellent adsorption of methyl blue solution”

Tiejun Wang, Dameng Wang, Hua Zhang, Xuelin Wang, and Ming Chen*,Opt Mater. Express, 7,924-931,2017.

(7)“Two-dimensional heterostructure as platform for surface enhanced Raman scattering”,

Yang Tan, Linan Ma, Zhibin Gao, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen, Nano Lett., 17, 2621-2626, 2017.

(8)“Synthesis of three-dimensional honeycomb-like Au nanoporous films by laser induced modification and its application for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy”,

Yang Jiao, Ming Chen, Yingying Ren, and Hong Ma, Opt Mater. Express, 7,1557-1564, 2017.

(9)“Efficient photoinduced charge transfer in chemically-linked organic-metal Ag-P3HT nanocomposites”,

Lin Feng, Ming Chen,* Fei Zheng, Meng-Si Niu, Xuehua Zhang, Xiao-Tao Hao,

Opt Mater. Express, 6,3063-3074, 2016.

(10)“Tadpole-shaped Au nano-particles fabricated by laser fragmentation of Au nano-spheres in liquid”,

Chong Zhang, Jiaqi Ma, Dongdong Zhu, Liang Liu, Dameng Wang, Xiangdong Liu, and Ming Chen*, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 14, 081403(1)- 081403(4), 2016.

(11)“Laser-induced fabrication of highly branched Au@TiO2 nano-dendrites with excellent nearinfrared absorption properties†”,

Ziyu Wang, Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Ziwei Wang, Dameng Wang, Xiangdong Liu and Ming Chen*, RSC Advances, 6, 83337–83342, 2016.

(12)“Laser-induced modification of dog-bone-like Au nanorods for accurate growth of well-defined cylindrical structures”,

Jiaqi Ma, Chong Zhang, Dameng Wang, Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Xiangdong Liu and Ming Chen*, RSC Advances, 6, 72107–72114, 2016.

(13)“Laser induced fabrication of mono-dispersed Ag2S@Ag nano-particles and their superior adsorption performance for dye removal”,

Hua Zhang, Ming Chen,* Dameng Wang, Linlin Xu, and Xiangdong Liu,

Opt Mater. Express, 6, 2573-2583, 2016.

“New Releases”in The Optical Society,OSA)http://www.osa.org/en-us/about_osa/newsroom/news_releases/2016/new_technique_developed_for_effective_dye_removal/

“New Releases”in CHEMIE.DE www.chemeurope.com,


(14)“Laser-ablation-induced synthesis of porous ZnS/Zn nano-cages and their visible-light-driven photocatalytic reduction of aqueous Cr(VI)”

Dameng Wang, Hua Zhang, Lijuan Li, Ming Chen* and Xiangdong Liu, Opt Mater. Express, 4,1306-1312, 2016.

(15)“Convenient synthesis of stable silver quantum dots with enhanced photoluminescence emission by laser fragmentation”,

Shuang Li, and Ming Chen*, Chinese Physics B, 25(4), 046103, (2016)

(16)“Direct synthesis of size-tailored bimetallic Ag/Au nano-spheres and nano-chains with controllable compositions by laser ablation of silver plate in HAuCl4 solution”,

Ming Chen*, DaMeng Wang, and XiangDong Liu, RSC Adv. 6, 9549-9553, 2016.

(17)“Laser-induced fabrication of single crystal zinc hydroxyl dodecylsulfate nano-sheets with excellent fluorescence emission”,

Shuang Li, DaMeng Wang, ZiYu Wang, ZiWei Wang, Ming Chen* and XiangDong Liu, RSC Adv., 5, 63233–63239, 2015.

(18)“Ultra-small Sn2S3 porous nano-particles: an excellent photo-catalyst in the reduction of aqueous Cr(VI) under visible light irradiation”,

Ziwei Wang, Ziyu Wang, Dameng Wang and Ming Chen*, RSC Adv. 6, 12286-12289, 2016.

(19)“Synthesis of ultrafine titania nano-cages by pulsed laser ablation of Ti/Al alloy in ammonium hydroxide”,

Dameng Wang, Ming Chen, Xiangdong Liu,and Xueping Gao, Chin. Opt. Lett. 13(8), 081404, 2015.

(20)“Zinc oxide porous nano-cages fabricated by laser ablation of Zn in ammonium hydroxide”,

Shuang Li, Ming Chen,* and XiangDong Liu, Opt. Express 22, 18707-18714, 2014.

(21)“Generation of nano-scaled Zinc oxide hexagonal crystals by pulsed laser fragmentation of Zinc oxide micro-spheres”,

Li Shuang, Chen Ming, OAM- RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 8, 208 – 212, 2014.

(22)“Role of lens to sample distance during laser-induced damage in zinc targets”,

Ming Chen, Yuehua Liu, Xiangdong Liu, and Mingwen Zhao,Laser Phys. Lett.,9,730, 2012.

(23)“Zinc oxide micro-spheres with faceted surfaces produced by laser ablation of zinc targets”,

Ming Chen, Xiangdong Liu, Yuehua Liu, and Mingwen Zhao, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 103108 , 2012.

(24)“Characterization of regular periodic surface structure by multi-pulse laser irradiation of a Zinc target”,

Ming Chen, Xiangdong Liu, Yuehua Liu, and Mingwen Zhao, Chin. Opt. Lett. 10(5), 051402, 2012.

(25)“Early-stage evolution of the plasma over KTiOPO4 samples generated by high-intensity laser radiations”

Ming Chen, Xiangdong Liu, Mingwen Zhao, and Yuming Sun, Opt. Lett. 17, 2682 , 2009.

(26)“Temporal and spatial evolution of Si atoms in plasmas produced by a nanosecond laser ablating silicon carbide crystals”

Ming Chen, Xiangdong Liu, Mingwen Zhao, Chuansong Chen, and Baoyuan Man, Phys.Rev. E 80, 016405, 2009.

(27)“The dimension of the core and the tail of the plasma produced by laser ablating SiC targets”

Ming Chen, Xiangdong Liu, Xinmei Yang, Mingwen Zhao, Yuming Sun, Huanjun Qi, Xiufang Chen, and Xiangang Xu, Phys. Lett. A 372, 5891, 2008.

(28)“Detailed characterization of the expansion velocity of Si from laser ablated SiC”

CHEN Ming, LIU Xiang-Dong,SUN Yu-Ming,YANG Xin-Mei,ZHAO Ming-Wen,QI Huan-Jun,CHEN Xiu-Fang,XU Xian-Gang,Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 1768 , 2008.

(29)“Silicon micro-hemispheres with periodic nanoscale rings produced by the laser ablation of single crystalline silicon”,

Chen Ming†, Li Shuang, Cui Qing-Qiang, and Liu Xiang-Dong, Chin. Phys. B 22, 106101, 2013. (Hot paper)

(30)“Effect of laser-induced zinc micro-spheres on enhanced absorption of subsequent pulse laser”,

Chen Ming, Li Shuang, Cui Qing-Qiang, Liu Xiang-Dong, Acta Phys. Sin. 62, 165202 , 2013.

(31)“Self-Organized Micro-Columns and Nano-Spheres Generated by Pulsed Laser

Ablation of Ti/Al Alloy in Water”,

CUI Qing-Qiang, LIU Xiang-Dong**, CHEN Ming**, ZHAO Ming-Wen,

WANG Chun-Sheng, LI Shuang, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 31, 015202, 2014.

(32)“Waveguide effect in ZnO crystal by He+ ions implantation: Analysis of optical

confinement from implant-induced lattice damage”

Xianbing Ming , Fei Lu, Jiaojian Yin , Ming Chen , Shaomei Zhang , Jinhua Zhao , Xiuhong Liu ,Yujie Ma , Xiangzhi Liu,Optics. Commun. 285, 1225, 2012.

(33)“Annealing behavior of single mode planar waveguide in YVO4 produced by He ion implantation”,

Xiuhong Liu , Keming Wang , Jinhua Zhao , Shaomei Zhang , Ming Chen , Opt. Mater.33,424, 2011.

(34)“Optical properties of a single mode planar waveguide in Nd:YVO4 fabricated by multienergy He ion implantation”,

Xiuhong Liu, Shaomei Zhang, Jinhua Zhao, Ming Chen, Baogang Peng, Xifeng Qin, and Keming Wang, Appl. Optics. 50, 3865, 2011.

(35)“Optical confinement achieved in ZnO crystal by O+ ions implantation: analysis of waveguide formation and properties ”,

Xianbing Ming, Fei Lu, Jiaojian Yin, Ming Chen, Shaomei Zhang, Xiuhong Liu, Zhenhua Qin,and Yujie Ma, Optics. Express. 19, 7139, 2011.

(36)“Damage behaviors in Nd:YVO4 by multi-energy proton implantation”,

Xiuhong Liu, Jinhua Zhao, Shaomei Zhang, Baogang Peng, Ming Chen, Xianbing Ming, Yujie Ma, Xifeng Qin, Nucl. Instrum. Meth B, 286, 213, 2012.

(37)“The Formation of Optical Waveguide in KTP Crystal by Combining Ion Implantation with Ion Exchange”

Xianbing Ming, Fei Lu, Xiaomei Wang, Ming Chen and Lei Wang, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition(ACP), Shanghai, China, November 2, 2009.(EI收录)

(38)“Adsorption and diffusion of gold adatoms on boron nitride nanoribbons: A first-principles study”

Guihua Li, Xiangdong Liu, Hongyu Zhang, Xiaopeng Wang, Hongxia Bu, Ming Chen, Feng Li, and Mingwen Zhao, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 104305 , 2012.

(39)“Investigation of the Lateral spreads of Er ions implanted in Silicon crystal”

Qin Xi-Feng, Chen Ming, Wang Xue-Lin, Liang Yi and Zhang Shao-Mei,

Chin. Phy. B, 19,113403 , 2010.

(40)“Formation and characterization of ZnO:Tm+ optical waveguides fabricated by Tm+ and O+ ions implantation”

Xianbing Ming, Fei Lu, Hanping Liu, Ming Chen and Lei Wang, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 165303, 2009.

(41)“Analysis of Plasma Profile over KTiOAsO4 Surface Produced by 532 and 1064 nm Laser Radiations”

Yuming Sun, Ming Chen , Yufei Li, Huanjun Qi, Mingwen Zhao,and Xiangdong Liu, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 123303, 2008.

(42)“Study on preventing segregation of Er atoms to Si surface by annealing in oxygen atmosphere at high temperature”

Xifeng Qin, Ming Chen, Xuelin Wang, Gang Fu, Yi Liang, Shaomei Zhang,

Nucl. Instrum. Meth B, 268, 1585, 2010.

(43)“The mechanism of effect of lens-to-sample distance on laser-induced plasma”,

Liu Yue-Hua, Chen Ming, Liu Xiang-Dong, Cui Qing-Qiang, Zhao Ming-Wen, Acta Phys. Sin. 62, 025203, 2013.