





2013年8月--2015年2月,在美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校物理系访问学者(visiting professor)
2007年09月,副教授,硕士生导师, 太阳集团棋牌娱乐
2001年09月,讲师, 太阳集团棋牌娱乐
1999年07月,助教, 山东工业大学数理系


2006.08,《大学物理实验》,科技出版社 参编
2014.01, 《大学物理实验》第二版,科技出版社 副主编


2012.01-2014.12 PrFeB基纳米复合粘结磁体的制备和研究,太阳集团棋牌娱乐自主创新基金,负责人

2009.01-2010.06 氧空位及铁对TiO2磁性的影响, 山东省博士后创新基金, 负责人

2009.01-2011.12,晶粒间界相对纳米复合永磁合金性能的影响,国家自然科学基金委, 负责人

2007.01-2009.12, 高性能各向异性HDDR磁粉及粘结磁体的制备及研究,国家自然科学基金委, 第三位

2005.01-2007.12, 纳米永磁材料的交换耦合相互作用和有效各向异性,博士点专项基金,第二位

2004.01-2006.12, 纳米复合永磁合金的有效各向异性和矫顽力,国家自然科学基金委, 第二位

2001.01-2003.12, 纳米复合钕铁硼合金的矫顽力机制, 山东省自然科学基金, 第二位

1.Magnetic reversal and magnetic memory effect in melt-spun Pr2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite ribbons
Han, Guangbing (School of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan, China); Su, Hao; Gao, Ruwei; Yu, Shuyun; Kang, Shishou; Zhu, Minggang; Li, Wei; Liu, X.B. Source: Journal of Rare Earths, v 33, n 12, p 1303-1309, December 1, 2015

2. Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co2MnSi Thin Film with a Low Damping Constant
Qiao, SZ; Kang, SS; Qin, YF; Li, Q; Zhong, H; Kang, Y ; Yu, SY ; Han, GB ; Yan, SS ; Mei, LM. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 32 期: 5 文献号: 057601 出版年: MAY 2015

3 Magnetic after-effect in optimal melt-spun Pr7.8Fe75.8Co5Cr5B6.4 ribbons
Han, G. (Physics, Shandong Univ., Jinan, China); Su, H.; Kang, S.; Yu, S.; Liu, X.; Liu, J. Source: 2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, July 14, 2015, 2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015

4. Cold plasma cleaning of SmCo5 nano-flakes prepared by surfactant-assisted Ball-milling
Guangbig Han ,Ke Wang,Kevin E. Elkins,Zhaoguo Qiu,Richard B. Timmons,Charles R. Savage,J. Ping Liu(*), APS March Meeting 2015,San Antonio, Texas,2015.3.2-2015.3.6.

5.Multi-polar resistance switching and memory effect in copper phthalocyanine junctions
Qiao, SZ; Kang, SS; Qin, YF; Li, Q; Zhong, H; Kang, Y ; Yu, SY ; Han, GB ; Yan, SS ; Mei, LM. CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 23 期: 5 文献号: 058501 出版年: MAY 2014

1.Structural and magnetic properties of patterned perpendicular media with linearly graded anisotropy
Zhang, J. ; Sun, Z.; Sun, J.; Kang, S.; Yu, S.; Han, G.; Yan, S.; Mei, L.; Li, D. Source: Applied Physics Letters, v 102, n 15, 152407 April 15, 2013.

2.High-Spin States and Level Structure in Stable Nucleus Strontium-84
Shen, SF; Han, GB; Wen, SX ; Kang, XZ ; Yan, YP ; Bai, ZJ ; Wu, YC; ; Zhu, LH ; Li, GS, 《Scientific Reports》, 2013, 3(39):15818-15823.

3. 标题:Low hydrogen pressure induced high anisotropy in HDDR-treated Nd13Fe75Co4B8 powders, 作者: Han, Guangbing; Fu, Shuang,来源出版物: Advanced Materials Research, v 602-604, p 161-164, 2013

4. 标题:Suitable hydrogen pressure induced anisotropy in HDDR-treated Pr-Fe-B powders, 作者: Han, Guangbing; Fu, Shuang; Liu, Min; Gao, Ruwei, 来源出版物: Advanced Materials Research, v 625, p 328-331, 2013,

5. 标题: Origin of anisotropy for the HDDR Nd13.5Fe79.5B7 magnetic powders. 作者: Liu, M.; Xiao, R.; Gao, R. W.; 等.来源出版物: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 卷: 406 期: 19 页: 3534-3537 DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2011.05.060 出版年: OCT 1 2011

6. 标题: Effect of desorption hydrogen pressure on anisotropy of HDDR-treated Nd-Fe-B powders. 作者: Han, Guangbing; Fu, Shuang; Liu, Min; 等. 来源出版物: MATERIALS AND DESIGN, PTS 1-3 丛书: Advanced Materials Research 卷: 284-286 页: 1525-1528 DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.284-286.1525 子辑: Part 1-3 出版年: 2011

7. 标题: Magnetic Performance of a Nanocomposite Permanent Material ,作者: Liu Min; Han Guang-Bing; Gao Ru-Wei, 来源出版物: CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 卷: 28 期: 8 文献号: 087501 DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/28/8/087501 出版年: AUG 2011

8. 标题: Magnetic properties of rutile TiO2-1/6 from first-principles calculations. 作者: Han, Guang-bing; Hu, Shu-jun; Yan, Shi-shen; 等. 来源出版物: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS 卷: 4 期: 8-9 页: 236-238 DOI: 10.1002 /pssr.201004262 出版年: SEP 2010

9. 标题: Anisotropic HDDR-treated Nd2Fe14B-type powder, 作者: Liu Min; Han BaiPing; Han GuangBing; 等. 来源出版物: SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 卷: 53 期: 9 页: 1590-1593 DOI: 10.1007/s11433-010-4072-4 出版年: SEP 2010

10. 电脉冲退火对大块Nd8Fe87.5B4.5纳米复合磁体性能的改善, 刘开华,张忠富,杨武,韩广兵,高汝伟, 金属功能材料, 17, 1-3 (2010)

1.标题: Oxygen vacancy induced ferromagnetism in rutile TiO2-x .作者: Han, Guang-bing; Hu, Shu-jun; Yan, Shi-shen; 等.来源出版物: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS 卷: 3 期: 5 页: 148-150 DOI: 10.1002/pssr.200903078 出版年: JUL 2009

2. 标题: Effect of Weak Magnetic Intergranular Phase on the Coercivity in the HDDR Nd-Fe-B Magnet . 作者: Liu, M.; Han, G.B.; Gao, R.W. 来源出版物: Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 卷: 1 期: 4 页: 249-53 DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2009.14038 出版年: Dec. 2009

3. 标题: Anisotropic HDDR Nd-Fe-B magnetic powders prepared directly from strip casting alloy flakes.作者: Liu, M.; Han, G. B.; Gao, R. W. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 卷: 488 期: 1 页: 310-313 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.08.112 出版年: NOV 20 2009

4. 标题: Dependence of coercivity on the intergranular phase for nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B magnet .作者: Liu, M.; Han, G. B.; Yang, W.; 等.来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 卷: 486 期: 1-2 页: 257-260 DOI: 10.1016/ j.jallcom.2009.07.089 出版年: NOV 3 2009

5. 标题: Dependence of anisotropy and coercivity on microstructure in HDDR Nd-Fe-B magnet.作者: Liu, M.; Sun, Y.; Han, G. B.; 等. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 卷: 478 期: 1-2 页: 303-307 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2008. 12.048 出版年: JUN 10 2009

6. 标题: Dependence of magnetic properties of HDDR Nd-Fe-B bonded magnet on intergranular phase .作者: Liu Min; Gao RuWei; Han GuangBing; 等. 来源出版物: CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 卷: 54 期: 18 页: 3206-3210 DOI: 10.1007/s11434-009-0525-4 出版年: SEP 2009

7. Effect of microstructure on the coercivity of HDDR Nd-Fe-B permanent magnetic alloy, Liu M, Sun Y, Han GB, et al.SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 卷: 51 期: 10 页: 1557-1564 出版年: OCT 2008

8. Grain size dependence of coercivity of nanocomposite permanent magnets in three phase-distribution models. Feng WC, Li W, Zhu MG, et al.来源出版物: ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA 卷: 44 期: 1 页: 8-12 出版年: JAN 2008

9. Anisotropy at nano-grain boundary and effective anisotropy between magnetically soft and hard nano-grains, Sun Y, Liu M, Han GB, et al. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 卷: 320 期: 5 页: 760-762 出版年: MAR 2008

10. Anisotropy and pinning field in nanocomposite magnetic materials, Sun Y, Wan YF, Liu M, et al.来源出版物: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 卷: 145 期: 1-2 页: 77-80 出版年: JAN 2008

11. Intergranular phase dependence of anisotropy and coercivity in nanoscaled permanent magnets, Sun Y, Han GB, Liu M, et al. MATERIALS LETTERS 卷: 61 期: 21 页: 4294-4296 出版年: AUG 2007

12. Anisotropy of grain in nanoscaled magnetic materials, Sun Y, Han GB, Han BP, et al., JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 101 Issue: 6 Article Number: 063908 Published: MAR 15 2007

13. Effect of exchange-coupling interaction on anisotropy of grain in nanoscaled magnets, Sun Y, Gao RW, Han GB, et al. SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 141 Issue: 3 Pages: 156-159 Published: JAN 2007

14.Exchange-coupling interaction, effective anisotropy and magnetic property of nano-magnetic materials, Sun Y, Gao RW, Han BP, Han GB,et al., PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Pages: 131-137 Published: FEB 2007

15. Study of high-coercivity sintered NdFeB magnets, Bai G, Gao RW, Sun Y, Han GB,et al. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 308 Issue: 1 Pages: 20-23 Published: JAN 2007

1. Title: Effects of powder flowability on the alignment degree and magnetic properties for NdFeB sintermagnets
Author(s): Sun Y, Gao RW, Han GB, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 299 Issue: 1 Pages: 82-86 Published: APR 2006

2. Title: Effective anisotropy between magnetically soft and hard grains in nanocomposite magnets
Author(s): Han GB, Gao RW, Fu S, et al.
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING Volume: 81 Issue: 3 Pages: 579-582 Published: AUG 2005

3. Title: Effect of exchange-coupling interaction on the effective anisotropy in nanocrystalline Nd2Fe14B material
Author(s): Han GB, Gao RW, Yan SS, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 281 Issue: 1 Pages: 6-10 Published: OCT 1 2004
Times Cited: 9

4. Title: Grain size dependence of exchange-coupling interaction between magnetically soft-hard grains and effective Anisotropy
Author(s): Han GB, Gao RW, Fu S, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS Volume: 22 Issue: 6 Pages: 790-793 Published: DEC 2004

5. Title: Effective anisotropy and coercivity in nanocrystalline single-phase NdFeB permanent magnetic material
Author(s): Han GB, Gao RW, Feng WC, et al.
Source: SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS ASTRONOMY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 398-404 Published: AUG 2003

6. Title: Influence of solidification rate on the microstructure of (Nd,Dy) (12.8)(Fe,Co) (80.7)B-6.5 cast strips
Author(s): Liu HQ, Wang B, Han GB, et al.
Source: RARE METALS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 200-204 Published: JUN 2005
Times Cited: 0

7. Title: Dependence of effective anisotropy on grain size in nanocrystalline Nd2Fe14B hard magnetic material
Author(s): Feng WC, Gao RW, Han GB, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Pages: 52-54 Published: FEB 2005

8. Title: Grain alignment and microstructure of (Nd.Dy)(12.8)(Fe,M) B-80.7(6.5) by strip casting
Author(s): Liu HQ, Wang B, Han GB, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 285 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 23-27 Published: JAN 1 2005

9. Title: Exchange-coupling interaction and effective anisotropy of NdFeB nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials
Author(s): Feng WC, Gao RW, Han GB, et al.
Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA Volume: 53 Issue: 9 Pages: 3171-3176 Published: SEP 2004

10. Title: Effect of grain size and distribution on the anisotropy and coercivity of nanocrystalline Nd2Fe14B magnets
Author(s): Sun Y, Gao RW, Feng WC, Han GB,et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 306 Issue: 1 Pages: 108-111 Published: NOV 1 2006

11. Title: Dependence of coercivity on phase distribution and grain size in nanocomposite Nd2Fe14B/alpha-Fe magnets
Author(s): Feng WC, Gao RW, Li W, Han GB,et al.
Source: CHINESE PHYSICS Volume: 14 Issue: 8 Pages: 1649-1652 Published: AUG 2005

12. Title: Effective anisotropy, exchange-coupling length and coercivity in Nd8-xRx Fe87.5B4.5 (R = Dy, Sm, x=0-0.6) nanocomposite
Author(s): Chen W, Gao RW, Liu LM, Han GB,et al.

13. Title: Exchange-coupling interaction, effective anisotropy and coercivity in nanocomposite permanent materials
Author(s): Gao RW, Feng WC, Liu HQ, Han GB,et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 94 Issue: 1 Pages: 664-668 Published: JUL 1 2003
Times Cited: 13

14. Title: Magnetic properties and coercivity mechanism of isotropic HDDR NdFeB bonded magnets with Co and Dy addition
Author(s): Chen W, Gao RW, Zhu MG, Han GB,et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 261 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 222-227 Published: APR 2003

15. Title: Effective anisotropy and coercivity in nanocomposite permanent materials
Author(s): Gao RW, Feng WC, Wang B, Han GB,et al.
Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA Volume: 52 Issue: 3 Pages: 703-707 Published: MAR 2003

16. Title: Influence of Co, Ga and Si on the microstructure and the magnetic properties for nanocomposite permanent alloys
Author(s): Gao RW, Liu HQ, Feng WC, Han GB,et al.

17. Title: Exchange-coupling interaction and effective anisotropy in nanocomposite permanent materials
Author(s): Gao RW, Feng WC, Chen W, Han GB,et al.
Source: CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN Volume: 47 Issue: 14 Pages: 1166-1169 Published: JUL 2002

18. Effective magnetic anisotropy between exchange-coupled soft and hard nano-grains in nanocomposite magnets
Han, Guang-Bing; Fu, Shuang; Gao, Ru-Wei; Dong, Ling-Guo Source: Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, v 37, n 7, July, 2006, p 1046-1048 Language: Chinese

19. Exchange-coupling interaction and effective anisotropy between magnetically soft and hard nano-grains
Han, Guang-Bing; Gao, Ru-Wei; Feng, Wei-Cun; Liu, Han-Qiang; Bai, Gang Source: Gongneng Cailiao yu Qijian Xuebao/Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, v 11, n 4, December, 2005, p 401-405

20. Exchange-coupling interaction and effective anisotropy between magnetically hard grains
Han, Guang-Bing; Gao, Ru-Wei; Feng, Wei-Cun; Liu, Han-Qiang; Wang, Zhi-Jun Source: Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, v 35, n 2, April, 2004, p 159-160+163 Language: Chinese

21. Effect of heat-treatment conditions on magnetic properties of Nd8Fe85.5Co2B4.5 nanocomposite magnet
Han, Guang-Bing; Gao, Ru-Wei; Chen, Wei; Li, Wei; Li, Xiu-Mei; Feng, Wei-Cun Source: Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, v 34, n 5, October, 2003, p 511-512 Language: Chinese

22. Fourier transform profilometry in 3-D measurement based on wavelet digital filter
Fu, Shuang; Wang, Yun-Shan; Han, Guang-Bing*; Si, Shu-Chun Source: Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, v 15, n 2, February, 2004, p 205-207 Language: Chinese

23. Microstructure and permanent magnetic properties of Fe3B-based nanocomposite material
Liu, Hanqiang; Gao, Ruwei; Han, Guangbing Source: Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research, v 17, n 4, August, 2003, p 396-400 Language: Chinese

24. Effective anisotropy in Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite permanent material
Feng, Wei-Cun; Gao, Ru-Wei; Han, Guang-Bing; Liu, Han-Qiang; Bai, Gang Source: Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, v 35, n 3, June, 2004, p 288-290 Language: Chinese

25. Effect of intergranular phase on the anisotropy of nanometer hard magnetic materials
Sun, Yan; Gao, Ru-Wei; Feng, Wei-Cun; Han, Guang-Bing Source: Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, v 37, n 11, November, 2006, p 1732-1733 Language: Chinese

26. Dependence of effective anisotropy on the phase component and grain size in nanocomposite magnet
Feng, Wei-Cun; Gao, Ru-Wei; Li, Wei; Han, Guang-Bing; Liu, Han-Qiang; Wang, Biao Source: Gongneng Cailiao yu Qijian Xuebao/Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, v 9, n 4, December, 2003, p 405 Language: Chinese

27. Influence of casting strip microstructure on the structure and magnetic properties of sintered NdFeB magnets
Wang, Biao; Liu, Han-Qiang; Gao, Ru-Wei; Han, Guang-Bing Source: Gongneng Cailiao yu Qijian Xuebao/Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, v 10, n 1, March, 2004, p 37 Language: Chinese

2015.10, 参加第十六届全国磁学会议并作报告(一般)

2015.05, InterMag 2015(poster)(IEEE国际磁学大会 )

2015.03, APS March meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA

2012.09, The 2nd/2012 International Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology 一般报告

2012.08, 第十三届全国固体薄膜学术会议(会议论文)

2011.07, 2011 International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology 一般报告




Chinese on Physics

Magnetic thin films and multilayers