



2014年1月—2017年12月 ABO3/SrTiO3氧化物异质结电磁输运性质的研究, 国家自然科研基金面上项目,负责人,批准号:11374186

2013年1月—2017年12月 氧化物异质界面的理论模拟与物性研究,国家自然科研基金重点项目,子项目负责人,批准号:51231007

2005年1月-2005年12月 PVDF基铁电聚合物表面电子结构的第一性原理研究
2005年1月-2007年12月 铁电体表面界面的第一性原理研究
2007年5月-2012年12月, 热电材料电热输运的物理机制
国家重点基础研究发展计划基金, 主要参与者, 课题编号:2007CB607504

                    Funded projects
1. First principle calculation study on surface of PVDF and its copolymers.
2. First principle calculation study on surface and interface of ferroelectrics (participate in)
3. Physical mechanism of electric and thermal transport in thermoelectric materials (participate in)


王春雷,李吉超, 赵明磊, 压电铁电物理, 科学出版社, 北京 2009。

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 C L Wang, J C Li, M L Zhao, J L Zhang and W L Zhong, C. Aragó, M. I. Marqués, J.A. Gonzalo, Electric Field Induced Phase Transition in First Order Ferroelectrics with Large Zero Point Energy, Physica A 387, 115 (2008).
 C L Wang, J C Li, M L Zhao, K Yang, X Y Wang, J L Zhang, Simulation of domain patterns in fatigued ferroelectric films, Integrated Ferroelectrics 78, 69 (2006).
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 K Yang, C L Wang, J C Li, M L Zhao, X Y Wang, Strain induced ferroelectricity in the SrZrO3/ SrTiO3 superlattice: first principles study, Solid State Commun.,139, 144 (2006).
 C. Zhang., C. L. Wang, J. C.Li, K. Yang, Y. F. Zhang, and Q. Z. Wu, Surface rumples and band gap reductions of cubic BaZrO3 (001) surface studied by means of first-principles calculations, Chinese Physics B ,17(1) , 1-7(2008).
 C. Zhang, C.L. Wang, J.C. Li, K. Yang, Y.F. Zhang, Q.Z. Wu, Substitutional position and insulator-to-metal transition in Nb-doped SrTiO3, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 107, 215 (2008).
 C. Zhang, C L Wang, J C Li and K Yang, Structural and electronic properties of Fe-doped BaTiO3 and SrTiO3, Chinese Physics, 16, 1422-1428 (2007).
 K Yang, C L Wang, J C Li, C Zhang, Q Z Wu, Y F Zhang, N Yin and X Y Liu, Surface rumpling of cubic CaTiO3 from density functional theory, Chin. Phys., 15, 1580-1585 (2006).
 K Yang, C L Wang, J C Li, Electronic structure of relaxor PMN Integrated Ferroelectrics, 78, 113-117(2006).